Elcometer 1540 Grid Comb

CT_EL_GB_K0001540M001 | Elcometer

The Elcometer 1540 is a simple instrument for quickly determining the adhesion of a wide variety of paints up to 50 µm (2 mils) thick.

Made of special steel, this comb has 11 teeth spaced 1 mm apart. By making 2 series of perpendicularly crossed strokes, 100 squares of 1 mm are obtained.

Classification of adhesion test results using the grid method


Classification of adhesion test results using the grid method
SurfaceTypical description of the resultISOISTM
test 1
The edges of the cuts are completely smooth, with not a single square of the grid detached.05B
test 2
Detachment of small coating flakes at intersections of cuts. Area affected <5% of test area.14B
test 3
The coating releases small flakes along the edges and/or at the intersection of the cut-outs. Surface affected between 5% and 15% of the test area.23B
test 4The coating flaked along the edges, completely or partially in long ribbons and/or flaked partially or completely on different parts of the squares. Surface affected between 15% and 35% of the test area.32B
test 5
The coating is flaking along the edges of the cuts in large ribbons and/or some squares have become partially or completely detached. Surface affected between 35% and 65% of the test area.41B
test 6A degree of flaking such that it cannot be classified in 4 (1B).50B


Use and maintenance manualAnglais535.31 KB
Data sheetFrançais764.39 KB
Data sheetAnglais762.17 KB