Probes for flaw detection and ultrasonic measurement

UT_GE_DE_PROBES | Waygate Technologies

A very wide range of probes for all types of ultrasonic inspections

The ultrasonic transducers in our catalogue are divided into two general categories: contact transducers and immersion transducers.



Translators for the contact inspection method

Straight beam-Single element

  • Parts with regular geometry and relatively smooth contact surface
  • Flat or curved contact surface
  • Defect or background parallel to the surface or detectable with beam normal to the surface
  • More suitable for penetrating thick sections
  • Delay line designs improve near surface resolution
  • Requires a coating layer, usually a gel, oil or paste
  • Commonly used for manual inspection

Straight beam-Dual element (TR)

  • Transmitter and receiver separated by crosstalk barrier
  • Defect or background parallel or not to the surface or detectable with beam normal to the surface
  • Ideal for thin sections, good near-surface resolution
  • Requires a coating layer, usually a gel, oil or paste
  • Commonly used for manual inspection

Angular beam

  • Element-mounted or integral or interchangeable shoe
  • Uses refraction to transmit a transverse or longitudinal wave at a predetermined angle
  • Most standard transducers generate transverse waves by mode conversion
  • Best suited to parts with inclined defects, such as welds
  • Available in single and dual element models
  • Requires a coating, usually a gel, oil or paste
  • Sometimes used for mechanised or automated testing

Immersion translators

  • Acoustically adapted for optimum efficiency in water
  • Suitable for parts with irregular geometries
  • Commonly used for mechanised or automated testing
  • Optimum method for obtaining high performance coupling and reproducible results
  • Large parts can be tested using translator holders, bubblers or water jets
  • Translators can be focused to improve results

Focused immersion translators

  • A spherical focus forms a focal point or focal spot
  • A cylindrical focus forms a line
  • Advantages of focusing  
  • Increases sensitivity to small defects
  • Improves signal-to-noise ratio
  • Improves near-surface resolution
  • Good results on curved surfaces


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