Pen dosimeter Arrow tech 138


The direct-reading dosimeter is a pocket carbon fiber electroscope with an ion chamber for detecting and indicating integrated exposure to gamma radiation and X-rays. It has a thin wall that allows penetration and radiation detection. This model comes with a hardened sapphire window that will not scratch, even in the most challenging conditions.

Dosimeters are extremely sensitive instruments. Although designed for rugged use, they must be handled with the same care as a wristwatch. Since dosimeters are factory-sealed, they cannot be repaired or adjusted in the field. Therefore, in case of instrument malfunction, it must be returned to the factory or your dealer. Dosimeters can be kept in working condition by simply cleaning the ocular lens and the charge switch insulator with clean water and a lint-free, grit-free cloth. Ensure that the charge switch insulator is absolutely free of lint and moisture at all times. Caution: Do not insert sharp objects into the charge switch housing and do not alter the parts. Irreparable damage may occur.


Radiation detected

gamma rays and X-rays from 16 keV to 6 MeV




fibre electrometer mounted in an electrically conductive plastic ion chamber

Detector box

Very low permeability plastics - hermetically sealed


+/- 10% of actual exposure

Frequency response

Independent dose rate for gamma rays and X-rays

Electrical leak

Less than 1.0% of full scale for 24 hours at 50 C

Temperature range

-20 degrés C à +50 degrés C

Relative humidity

Up to 90 %


12.4 cm long X 1.5 cm in diameter


25 grams


Natural matt grey with metal clip

Shelf life

20 years


ANSI N13.5

ANSI N322-1997