Source Radio-isotopes SENTINEL™ Sélénium-75
The radioisotope sources from QSA Global, Inc. are made of a patented vanadium-selenium metal alloy that provides the highest possible thermal stability combined with physical strength and durability compared to commonly used elemental Se-75.
The SENTINEL Se-75 radioisotope sources from QSA Global, Inc. are ideal for controlling exclusion zone size during radiographic exposures in congested work sites.
SENTINEL Se-75 radioisotope sources are used on offshore oil platforms and in power plants during outages to reduce exposure to non-professional workers.
Available for projector
Sentinel 880 series, GammaMat SE
Gamma energy range
66-401 keV
Steel operating rangea
0,20 po-1,57 po (5 mm-40 mm)
Aluminium / Titanium operating range
1,4 à 4,7 pouces (35 mm à 120 mm)
Half-life of selenium-75
120 days
Special form certifications
Source model